Spoken Language Processing Group (TLP)
Ongoing projects:
- QT21 (Quality Translation 21)
- ANR BULB (Breaking the Unspoken Language Barrier)
- ANR MetaDaTV
(End-To-End TV Metadata)
- PatientGenesys (Simulation numérique en santé)
- ANR SALSA (Speech And Language technologies for Security Applications)
- ORELO (Dialect identification)
(Towards social and affective relations with a robot)
- ANR Diadems
(Description, Indexation, Accès aux Documents EthnoMusicologiques et Sonores)
- PAPYRUS (Cross lingual supervision & adaptation)
- iARPA Babel (Agile and robust speech recognition)
- ANR VERA (Speech recognition error analysis)
- ANR TransRead (Enriching bilingual reading and interaction
with cross-lingual alignments)
- CHIST-ERA CAMOMILE (Collaborative Annotation of multi-modal,
multi-Lingual and multi-media documents)
- Matrice (Equipex)
Past projects:
ANR COMPARSE (Cognition, motivation, and personality, for emotional adaptation and regulation,
using empathic virtual simulation)
- QCompere
(Person recognition in audiovisual documents)
- ANR ARMEN (Assistive Robotics to Maintain Elderly people in Natural environment)
- ANR TRACE (Robust translation)
- Quaero (Multimedia and multilingual indexing)
- ANR EDyLex (Enrichissement Dynamique de ressources Lexicales)
- ROMEO (Humanoid robot assistant)
- DGA RAPMAT (Speech translation)
- ANR GV-Lex
- Meta-Net (A network of excellence
forging the Multilingual Europe Technology Alliance)
- T4ME (Technologies for the Multilingual European Information Society)
- CapDigital SAMAR (Processing multimedia documents in Arabic)
- CapDigital VoxFactory (Speech processing in call centers)
- FlareNet (Fostering Language Resources Network)
- AGILE (Global Autonomous Global Integrated Language Exploitation)
- VITAL (Vital Assistance For The Elderly)
- ANR CROTAL (Conditional Random Fields for TAL)
- ANR Affective Avatars (Animation comportementale d'avatars anthropomorphiques)
(Indexation Automatique et Recherche Intuitive dans des Documents Audio)
- HUMAINE: Network of Excellence (Emotions and human-machine interaction)
- Infom@gic
- TC-STAR (Technology and Corpora for Speech to Speech Translation)
- CHIL (Computers in the Human Interaction Loop)
- EARS project (Rich transcription project)
- MEDIA-EVALDA (Project Technolangue sur l'evaluation du dialogue hors et en contexte)
- STIC-SHS MIDL (Modelisation pour l'identification des langues)
(Automated Multilingual Interaction with Information and Services)
- THEOREME (RNRT) (Topic detection in audio data)
(Alert system for selective dissemination of multimedia information)
- CORETEX (Improving Core Speech Recognition Technology)
- ECHO (European Chronicles On-line)
- RNRT VOCADIS (Distributed Speech Recognition)
- OLIVE (A Multilingual Indexing Tool for Broadcast Material based on Speech Recognition)
- DISC and DISC2 (Spoken Language Dialogue Systems
and Components: Best practice in development and evaluation)
(Evaluation in Language and Speech Engineering)
(Home applications Optimum Multimedia / multimodal system for Environment control)
- AUPELF-UREF, ARC Linguistique, Informatique et Corpus oraux
(Automatic Railway Information Systems for Europe)
- MASK (Mulimodal Multimedia Automated Service Kiosk)
- Authentification du locuteur (Speaker identification)
- IDEAL Identification de la langue (Language identification)
- RAILTEL (Railway Telephone Information Service)
- RELATOR (A European Network of Repositories for Linguistic Resources)
- SpeechDat (Infrastructure for Spoken Language Resources)
- SQALE (Speech Recognizer Quality Assessment for Linguistic Engineering)
Last modified: Tuesday,26-May-15 16:46:41 CEST