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Laboratoire d'Informatique pour la Mécanique et les Sciences de l'Ingénieur

Spoken Language Processing Group (TLP)

TLP publication search

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Marianna Apidianaki, Guillaume Wisniewski, Anne Cocos, and Chris Callison-Burch. Automated Paraphrase Lattice Creation for HyTER Machine Translation Evaluation. In Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, pages 480–485, Nouvelle Orléans - US, 2018-06-01 / 2018-06-06 2018.
Franck Burlot and François Yvon. Evaluation morphologique pour la traduction automatique : adaptation au français. In Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, page 14p, Rennes - FR, 2018-05-16 / 2018-05-18 2018.
François Yvon. Langue et IA. Le Monde, (26-06-2018):2p, 2018.
Jan-Thorsten Peter, Hermann Ney, Ond vrej Bojar, Ngoc-Quan Pham, Jan Niehues, Alexander Waibel, Franck Burlot, François Yvon, Mararcis Pinnis, Walter Sics, Joost Bastings, Miguel Rios, Wilker Aziz, Philip Williams, Frédéric Blain, and Lucia Specia. The QT21 Combined Machine Translation System for English to Latvian. In Conference on Machine Translation, pages 348–357, Copenhagen - DK, 2017-09-07 / 2017-09-08 2017.
Derry Wijaya, Brendan Callahan, John Hewitt, Jie Gao, Xiao Ling, Marianna Apidianaki, and Chris Callison-Burch. Learning Translations via Matrix Completion. In Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, pages 1453–1464, Copenhagen - DK, 2017-09-07 / 2017-09-11 2017.
Franck Burlot and François Yvon. Normalisation automatique du vocabulaire source pour traduire depuis une langue à morphologie riche. In Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, page 16p, Orléans - FR, 2017-06-26 / 2017-06-30 2017.
Rachel Bawden. Machine Translation, it's a question of style, innit? The case of English tag questions. In Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, pages 2497–2502, Copenhagen - DK, 2017-09-06 / 2017-09-11 2017.
Rachel Bawden. Machine Translation of Speech-Like Texts: Strategies for the Inclusion of Context. In Rencontres des Etudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues, pages 1–14, Orléans - FR, 2017.
Franck Burlot, Pooyan Safari, Matthieu Labeau, Alexandre Allauzen, and François Yvon. LIMSI@WMT'17. In Conference on Machine Translation, pages 257–264, Copenhagen - DK, 2017-09-07 / 2017-09-08 2017.
Franck Burlot and François Yvon. Evaluating the morphological competence of Machine Translation Systems. In Conference on Machine Translation, pages 43–55, Copenhagen - DK, 2017-09-07 / 2017-09-08 2017.
Franck Burlot, Mercedes Garcia-Martinez, Fethi Bougares, Loïc Barrault, and Françoi~s Yvon. Word Representations in Factored Neural Machine Translation. In Conference on Machine Translation, pages 20–31, Copenhagen - DK, 2017-09-07 / 2017-09-08 2017.
Matthieu Labeau and Alexandre Allauzen. Représentations continues dérivées des caractères pour un modèle de langue neuronal à vocabulaire ouvert. In Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, pages 32–46, Orléans - FR, 0000-00-00 2017.
Marta Costa-Jussa, Alexandre Allauzen, Loïc Barrault, Kyunghun Cho, and Holger Schwenk. Introduction to the special issue on deep learning approaches for machine translation. Computer Speech and Language, 46:367–373, 2017.
Alexandre Allauzen, Quoc Khanh Do, and François Yvon. A comparison of discriminative training criteria for continuous space translation models. Machine Translation, 31(1-2):19–33, 2017.
Franck Burlot and François Yvon. Learning Morphological Normalization for Translation from and into Morphologically Rich Languages. Prague Bulletin of Mathematical Linguistics, (108):49–60, 2017.
Ond vrej Bojar, Rajen Chatterjee, Christian Federmann, Yvette Graham, Barry Haddow, Matthias Huck, Antonio Jimeno Yepes, Philipp Koehn, Varvara Logacheva, Christof Monz, Matteo Negri, Aurélie Névéol, Mariana Neves, Martin Popel, Matt Post, Raphael Rubino, Carolina Scarton, Lucia Specia, Marco Turchi, Karin Verspoor, and Marcos Zampieri. Findings of the 2016 Conference on Machine Translation. In Conference on Machine Translation, pages 131–198, Berlin - DE, 2016-08-11 / 2016-08-12 2016.
Franck Burlot, Matthieu Labeau, Elena Knyazeva, Thomas Lavergne, Alexandre Allauzen, and François Yvon. LIMSI@IWSLT: MT Track. In International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation, page 7p, Seattle - US, 2016.
Franck Burlot, Elena Knyazeva, Thomas Lavergne, and François Yvon. Two-Step MT: Predicting Target Morphology. In International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation, page 8p, Seattle - US, 2016.
Rachel Bawden. Cross-lingual Pronoun Prediction with Linguistically Informed Features. In Conference on Machine Translation, pages 564–570, Berlin - DE, 2016-08-11 / 2016-08-12 2016.
Pierre Godard, Gilles Adda, Martine Adda-Decker, Alexandre Allauzen, Laurent Besacier, Hélène Maynard, Guy-Noël Kouarata, Kevin Lòser, Annie Rialland, and François Yvon. Preliminary Experiments on Unsupervised Word Discovery in Mboshi. In Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, pages 3539–3543, San Francisco - US, 2016.
Rachel Bawden, Guillaume Wisniewski, and Hélène Maynard. Investigating gender adaptation for speech translation. In Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, pages 490–497, Paris - FR, 2016.
François Yvon, Yong Xu, Marianna Apidianaki, Clément Pillias, and Pierre Cubaud. TransRead: Designing a Bilingual Reading Experience with Machine Translation Technologies. In Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, pages 27–31, San Diego - US, 2016.
Julia Ive, Aurélien Max, and François Yvon. LIMSI's Contribution to the WMT Biomedical Translation Task. In Conference on Machine Translation, page 8p, Berlin - DE, 2016-08-11 / 2016-08-12 2016.
Julia Ive, Aurélien Max, François Yvon, and Philippe Ravaud. Diagnosing High-Quality Statistical Machine Translation Using Traces of Post-Edition Operations. In International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation -Workshop on Translation Evaluation: From Fragmented Tools and Data Sets to an Integrated Ecosystem, page 8p, Portoro� - SI, 2016.
Guangpu Huang, Arseniy Gorin, Jean-Luc Gauvain, and Lori Lamel. Machine Translation Based Data Augmentation for Cantonese Keyword Spotting. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, pages 6020–6024, Shanghai - CN, 2016.
François Yvon. Traduire comme on joue au Go ? Le Journal du CNRS, 2016.
Quoc Khanh Do, Alexandre Allauzen, and François Yvon. Apprentissage discriminant de modèles neuronaux pour la traduction automatique. TAL (Traitement Automatique des Langues), 57(1):111–135, 2016.
Nicolas Pécheux, Alexandre Allauzen, Jan Niehues, and François Yvon. Reordering Space Design in Statistical Machine Translation. Language Resources and Evaluation, 50(2):375–410, 2016.
Georg Rehm, Hans Uszkoreit, Sophia Ananiadou, Nuria Bel, Audrone Bieleviciene, Lars Borin, António Branco, Gerhard Budin, Nicoletta Calzolari, Walter Daelemans, Radovan Garabik, Marko Grobelnik, Carmen Garcia-Mateo, Josef Genabith, Jan Hajivc, Inma Hernaez, John Judge, Svetla Koeva, Simon Krek, Cvetana Krstev, Krister Linden, Bernardo Magnini, Joseph-Jean Mariani, John McNaught, Maite Melero, Monica Monachini, Asunción Moreno, Jan Odijk, Maciej Ogrodniczuk, Piotr Pkezik, Stelios Piperidis, Adam Przepiorkowski, Eiríkur Rögnvaldsson, Mike Rosner, Bolette Sandford Pedersen, Inguna Skadicna, Koenraad Smedt, Marko Tadic, Paul Thompson, Dan Tufics, Tamas Varadi, Andrejs Vasicljevs, Kadri Vider, and Jolanta Zabarskaite. The Strategic Impact of META-NET on the Regional, National and International Level. Language Resources and Evaluation, 50(2):351–374, 2016.
Arseniy Gorin, Rasa Lileikyte, Guangpu Huang, Lori Lamel, Jean-Luc Gauvain, and Antoine Laurent. Language model data augmentation for keyword spotting in low-resourced training conditions. In Interspeech 2016, pages 775–779, San Francisco - US, 2016.
G. Huang, A. Gorin, J.L. Gauvain, and L. Lamel. Machine Translation based data augmentation for Cantonese keyword spotting. In Proceedings of the IEEE-ICASSP, pages 6020–6024, Shanghai, China, 2016.
Benjamin Marie and Marianna Apidianaki. Alignment-based sense selection in METEOR and the RATATOUILLE recipe. In Workshop on Machine Translation, pages 385–391, Lisbon - PT, 2015-09-17 / 2015-09-18 2015.
Franck Burlot and François Yvon. Morphology-Aware Alignments for Translation to and from a Synthetic Language. In International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation, pages 188–195, Da Nang - VN, 2015.
Jan Niehues, Quoc Khanh Do, Alexandre Allauzen, and Alex Waibel. ListNet-based MT Rescoring. In Workshop on Machine Translation, pages 248–255, Lisbon - PT, 2015-09-17 / 2015-09-18 2015.
Guillaume Wisniewski, Nicolas Pécheux, and François Yvon. Why Predicting Post-Edition is so Hard? Failure Analysis of LIMSI Submission to the APE Shared Task. In Workshop on Machine Translation, pages 222–227, Lisbon - PT, 2015-09-17 / 2015-09-18 2015.
Quoc Khanh Do, Alexandre Allauzen, and François Yvon. A Discriminative Training Procedure for Continuous Translation Models. In Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, pages 1046–1052, Lisbon - PT, 2015.
Marianna Apidianaki and Benjamin Marie. METEOR-WSD: Improved Sense Matching in MT Evaluation. In Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation, pages 49–51, Denver - US, 2015.
Quoc Khanh Do, Alexandre Allauzen, and François Yvon. Apprentissage discriminant des modèles continus de traduction. In Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, pages 267–278, Caen - FR, 2015.
Marianna Apidianaki and Li Gong. LIMSI: Translations as source of indirect supervision for multilingual all-words sense disambiguation and entity linking. In International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, pages 298–302, Denver - US, 2015.
Yong Xu, Aurélien Max, and François Yvon. Sentence Alignment for Literary Texts. Linguistic Issues in Language Technology, 12(6):1–25, 2015.
Nicolas Pécheux, Alexandre Allauzen, and François Yvon. Rule-based reordering spaces in statistical machine translation. In International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, page 7p, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2014.
Guillaume Wisniewski, Natalie Kubler, and François Yvon. A Corpus of Machine Translation Errors Extracted from Translation Students Exercises. In International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, page 4p, Reykjavik - Iceland, May 2014.
Nadi Tomeh, Alexandre Allauzen, and François Yvon. Maximum-entropy word alignment and posterior-based phrase extraction for machine translation. Machine Translation, 28(1):19–56, 2014.
Souhir Gahbiche-Braham, Hélène Maynard, and François Yvon. Traitement automatique des entités nommées en arabe : détection et traduction. TAL (Traitement Automatique des Langues), 54(2):101–132, 2014.
Souhir Gahbiche-Braham, Hélène Maynard, and François Yvon. Adaptation thématique pour la traduction automatique de dép^eches de presse. In Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN 2014), pages 280–291, Marseille, France, July 2014.
Alexandre Allauzen, Quoc Khanh Do, and François Yvon. Modèles de langue neuronaux : une comparaison de plusieurs stratégies dapprentissage. In Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN 2014), Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, page 12, Marseille, July 2014.
Li Gong, Aurélien Max, and François Yvon. Vers un développement plus efficace des systèmes de traduction statistique : un peu de vert dans un monde de bleu. In Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel (TALN 2014), pages 395–400, Marseilles, France, July 2014.
Aurélien Max, Li Gong, and François Yvon. Construction (très) rapide de tables de traduction à partir de grands bi-textes. In Traitement Automatique du Langage Naturel (TALN 2014), pages 26–27, Marseille, France, July 2014.
Jan Niehues, Alexandre Allauzen, François Yvon, and Alexander Waibel. Combining techniques from different nn-based language models for machine translation. In Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA 2014), pages 222–233, Vancouver, BC Canada, 22/10 au 26/10 2014. Yaser Al-Onaizan and Michel Simard.
Quoc-Khanh Do, Allexandre Allauzen, and François Yvon. Discriminative adaptation of continuous space translation models. In International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2014), pages 192–199, South Lake Tahoe, California, États-Unis, 04/12 au 05/12 2014.
Li Gong, Aurélien Max, and François Yvon. Incremental development of statistical machine translation systems. In International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2014), pages 214–222, South Lake Tahoe, CA, 04/12-05/12 2014.
Guillaume Wisniewski, Nicolas Pécheux, Alexandre Allauzen, and François Yvon. Limsi submission for wmt14 qe task. In Workshop on Machine Translation (WMT 2014), page 7, Baltimore, USA, June 2014.
François Yvon. Machine translation. In Oxford Bibliographies in Linguistics, page 28p. New York: Oxford University Press, 2014.
Nicolas Pécheux, Li Gong, Quoc Khanh Do, Benjamin Marie, Yulia Ivanishcheva, Alexandre Allauzen, Thomas Lavergne, Jan Niehues, Aurélien Max, and François Yvon. Limsi at wmt'14 medical translation task, 2014.
Nicolas Pécheux, Alexander Allauzen, and François Yvon. Rule-based reordering space in statistical machine translation. In Nicoletta Calzolari (Conference Chair), Khalid Choukri, Thierry Declerck, Hrafn Loftsson, Bente Maegaard, Joseph Mariani, Asuncion Moreno, Jan Odijk, and Stelios Piperidis, editors, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14), Reykjavik, Iceland, may 2014. European Language Resources Association (ELRA).
Guillaume Wisniewski, Natalie Kübler, and François Yvon. A corpus of machine translation errors extracted from translation students exercises. In Nicoletta Calzolari (Conference Chair), Khalid Choukri, Thierry Declerck, Hrafn Loftsson, Bente Maegaard, Joseph Mariani, Asuncion Moreno, Jan Odijk, and Stelios Piperidis, editors, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14), Reykjavik, Iceland, may 2014. European Language Resources Association (ELRA).
H. Bonneau-Maynard, N. Segal, E. Bilinski, J.-L. Gauvain, L. Gong, L. Lamel, A. Laurent, F. Yvon, J. Despres, Y. Josse, and V.-B. Le. Traduction de la parole dans le projet rapmat. In JEP 2014, Journées d'Etudes sur la Parole, Le Mans, France, Juin 2014.
Adrien Lardilleux, François Yvon, and Y. Lepage. Generalizing sampling-based multilingual alignment. Machine Translation, 27(1):1–23, 2013.
Guillaume Wisniewski and François Yvon. Oracle decoding as a new way to analyze phrase-based machine translation. Machine Translation, 27(2):115–138, 2013.
Marianna Apidianaki, Nikola Ljube¨i  and Darja Fi¨er. Cross-lingual wsd for translation extraction from comparable corpora, 2013.
Marianna Apidianaki, Nikola Ljubesic, and Darja Fiser. Vector disambiguation for translation extraction from comparable corpora.. Informatica, 37(2):193–201, 2013.
Guillaume Wisniewski, Anil Kumar Singh, and François Yvon. Quality estimation for machine translation: some lessons learned. Machine Translation, pages 1–26, 2013.
Guillaume Wisniewski and François Yvon. La t^ache de prédiction de qualité. In Tralogy, pages 1–16, Paris, France, January 2013.
Guillaume Wisniewski and François Yvon. Fast large-margin learning for statistical machine translation. In International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLing 2013), page 12p, Samos, Greece, March 2013.
Guillaume Wisniewski, Anil Kumar Singh, Natalia Segal, and François Yvon. Un corpus d'erreurs de traduction. In Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN 2013), page 8p, Sables dOlonne, France, June 2013.
Thomas Lavergne, Alexandre Allauzen, and François Yvon. Un cadre d'apprentissage intégralement discriminant pour la traduction statistique. In Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN 2013), page 14p, Les Sables d'Olonne, 17/06 au 21/06 2013.
Guillaume Wisniewski, Anil Kumar Singh, Natalia Segal, and François Yvon. Design and analysis of a large corpus of post-edited translations: quality estimation, failure analysis and the variability of post-edition. In Machine Translation Summit (MT Summit 2013), pages 117–124, Nice, France, Sep. 2013.
Aurélie Névéol, Aurélien Max, Yulia Ivanishcheva, Philippe Ravaud, Pierre Zweigenbaum, and François Yvon. Statistical machine translation of systematic reviews into french, 2013.
Li Gong, Aurélien Max, and François Yvon. Improving bilingual sub-sentential alignment by sampling-based transpotting. In International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2013), page 8p, Heidelberg, Germany, 05/12 au 06/12 2013.
Nicolas Froeliger, Joseph-Jean Mariani, Jean-François Nomine, and Alain Wallon. Translation careers and technologies: Convergence points for the future - proceedings tralogy ii. page 500. INIST, 2013.
Alexandre Allauzen, Nicolas Pécheux, Quoc Khanh Do, Marco Dinarelli, Thomas Lavergne, Aurélien Max, Hai Son Le, and François Yvon. Limsi at wmt13. In 8th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation (WMT 2013), pages 62–69, 2013.
Marianna Apidianaki. Cross-lingual word sense disambiguation using translation sense clustering. In 7th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2013), page 5p, 2013.
Anil Kumar Singh, Guillaume Wisniewski, and François Yvon. Limsi submission for the wmt 13 quality estimation task: an experiment with n-gram posteriors. In 8th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation (WMT 2013), pages 398–404, 2013.
Adrien Lardilleux, François Yvon, and Y. Lepage. Hierarchical sub-sentential alignment with anymalign. In Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT 2012), pages 279–286, Trento, Italy, 28/05 au 30/05 2012.
Artem Sokolov, Guillaume Wisniewski, and François Yvon. Lattice bleu oracles in machine translation. ACM Transactions on Speech and Language Processing, 10(4):18_1–18_29, 2013.
Artem Sokolov, Guillaume Wisniewski, and François Yvon. Non-linear n-best list reranking with few features. In Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA 2012), pages 1–10, San Diego, USA, 28/10 au 30/10 2012.
Hai Son Le, Alexandre Allauzen, and François Yvon. Continuous space translation models with neural networks. In Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (NAACL-HLT 2012),, pages 39–48, Montréal, Québec, 03/06 au 08/06 2012.
Li Gong, Aurélien Max, and François Yvon. Towards contextual adaptation for any-text translation. In International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2012), pages 292–299, Hong Kong, People's Republic of China, 06/12 au 07/12 2012.
Marianna Apidianaki. Measuring the adequacy of cross-lingual paraphrases in a machine translation setting. In International Conference on Computatioindings highlight the importance of complementing the current evaluation schemes with translation information to allow a more accurate estimation of the systems impact on end-to-end applications., 2012.
Adrien Lardilleux, François Yvon, and Y. Lepage. Alignement sous-phrastique hiérarchique avec anymalign. In Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN 2012), Paru dans Actes de la conférence conjointe JEP-TALN-RECITAL 2012, pages 113–126, Grenoble, France, 04/06 au 08/06 2012.
Alexandre Allauzen and François Yvon. Statistical methods for machine translation. In Textual information access, pages 223–304. ISTE/Wiley, Paris, 2012.
Hai Son Le. Continuous space models with neural networks in natural language processing. PhD thesis, 2012.
Marianna Apidianaki, Guillaume Wisniewski, Artem Sokolov, Aurélien Max, and François Yvon. Wsd for n-best reranking and local language modeling in smt. In Sixth Workshop on Syntax, Semantics and Structure in Statistical Translation (SSST-6), page 9p, 2012.
Hai Son Le, Thomas Lavergne, Alexandre Allauzen, Marianna Apidianaki, Li Gong, Aurélien Max, Artem Sokolov, Guillaume Wisniewski, and François Yvon. Limsi @ wmt12. In 7th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation (WMT 2012), pages 330–337, 2012.
Yong Zhuang, Guillaume Wisniewski, and François Yvon. Non-linear models for confidence estimation. In 7th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation (WMT 2012), pages 157–162, 2012.
Adrien Lardilleux, Y. Lepage, and François Yvon. The contribution of low frequencies to multilingual sub-sentential alignment: a differential associative approach. International Journal of Advanced Intelligence, 3(2):189–217, 2011.
François Yvon. Note de lecture: Bitext alignment, by jörg tiedemann. TAL (Traitement Automatique des Langues), 52(3):292–294, 2011.
Nadi Tomeh, Alexandre Allauzen, Thomas Lavergne, and François Yvon. Designing an improved discriminative word aligner. In International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics (CICLing 2011), page 12p, Tokyo, Japan, February 20-26, 2011 2011.
Nadi Tomeh, Marco Turchi, Guillaume Wisniewski, Alexandre Allauzen, and François Yvon. How good are your phrases? assessing phrase quality with single class classification. In International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2011), page 8p, San Francisco, USA, 08/12 au 09/12 2011. Hwang, Mei-Yuh and Stuker, Sebastian.
Luo Juan, Adrien Lardilleux, and Y. Lepage. Improving sampling-based alignment by investigating the distribution of n-grams in phrase translation tables. In Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 2011), pages 150–159, Singapore, Republic of Singapore, 16/12 au 18/12 2011.
Alexandre Allauzen and François Yvon. Méthodes statistiques pour la traduction automatique. In Modèles statistiques pour l'accès à l'information textuelle. Chap 7, pages 271–356. Hermès, 2011.
Lori Lamel, Abdelkhalek Messaoudi, and Jean-Luc Gauvain. Explicit and implicit modeling of short vowels for arabic stt. In Handbook of natural language processing and machine translation: DARPA global autonomous language exploitation (Chap. 3.6.2), pages 523–528. Springer, 2011.
Petr Fousek, Lori Lamel, and Jean-Luc Gauvain. Combining mlp and plp features for speech transcription. In Handbook of natural language processing and machine translation: DARPA global autonomous language exploitation, pages 408–416. Springer, 2011.
S. Matsoukas, Bing Zhang, J. Ma, T. Ng, L. Nguyen, Franck Diehl, M. Gales, X. Liu, Junho Park, Marcus Tomalin, P. Woodland, Petr Fousek, Jean-Luc Gauvain, Lori Lamel, Jun Luo, and Abdelkhalek Messaoudi. Optimizing speech-to-text system combination for machine translation. In Handbook of natural language processing and machine translation: DARPA global autonomous language exploitation (Chap. 3.7.4), pages 590–597. Springer, 2011.
Holger Schwenk, Abdelkhalek Messaoudi, Jun Luo, and Jean-Luc Gauvain. On the use of continuous space neural network language models. In Handbook of natural language processing and machine translation: DARPA global autonomous language exploitation (Chap. 3.4.2), pages 460–467. Springer, 2011.
Alexandre Allauzen, Gilles Adda, H. Bonneau-Maynard, Josep-Maria Crego, Hai Son Le, Thomas Lavergne, Aurélien Max, Guillaume Wisniewski, François Yvon, Artem Sokolov, and Adrien Lardilleux. Limsi @ wmt11. In 6th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, pages 309–315, 2011.
Markus Freitag, G. Leusch, Joern Wuebker, Stephan Peitz, Hermann Ney, Teresa Herrmann, Jan Niehues, Alex Waibel, Alexandre Allauzen, Gilles Adda, Josep-Maria Crego, Bianka Buschbeck, Tonio Wandmacher, and Jean Senellart. Joint wmt submission of the quaero project. In 6th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, pages 358–364, 2011.
Thomas Lavergne, Hai Son Le, Alexandre Allauzen, and François Yvon. Limsi's experiments in domain adaptation for iwslt11. In 8th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2011), page 8p, 2011.
Thomas Lavergne, Alexandre Allauzen, Josep-Maria Crego, and François Yvon. From n-gram-based to crf-based translation models. In 6th Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation (WMT 2011), pages 542–553, 2011.
Lori Lamel, Sandrine Courcinous, Julien Despres, Jean-Luc Gauvain, Yvan Josse, Kevin Kilgour, Florian Kraft, Viet Bac Le, Hermann Ney, Markus Nußbaum-Thom, Ilya Oparin, Tim Schlippe, Ralf Schlüter, Tanja Schultz, Thiago Fraga da Silva, Sebastian Stüker, Martin Sundermeyer, Bianca Vieru, Ngoc Thang Vu, Alexander Waibel, and Cécile Woehrling. Speech Recognition for Machine Translation in Quaero. In IWSLT, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2011.
Panagiota Karanasou and Lori Lamel. Automatic Generation of a Pronunciation Dictionary with Rich Variation Coverage Using SMT Methods. In Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing - 12th International Conference, CICLing, pages 506–517, Tokyo, Japan, 2011.
A. Sokolov and F. Yvon. Minimum Error Rate Training Semi-Ring. In EAMT'11, 15th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, Leuven, Belgium, 2011.
A. Allauzen et al. LIMSI at WMT'11. In EMNLP'11, 6th workshop on statistical machine translation (WMT'11), Edinburgh, UK, 2011.
T. Lavergne, A. Allauzen, and F. Yvon. From n-gram based to CRF-based translation models. In EMNLP'11, 6th workshop on statistical machine translation (WMT'11), Edinburgh, UK, 2011.
N. Tomeh, A. Allauzen, and F. Yvon. Estimation d'un modèle de traduction à partir d'alignements mot-à-mot non-déterministes. In TALN'11, Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, Montpellier, France, 2011.
Josep-Maria Crego, G. Leusch, Aurélien Max, Hermann Ney, and François Yvon. Micro-adaptation lexicale en traduction automatique statistique. TAL (Traitement Automatique des Langues), 51(2):65–93, 2010.
Josep-Maria Crego and François Yvon. Factored bilingual n-gram language models for statistical machine translation. Machine Translation, 24(2):159–175, 2010.
Aurélien Max, Josep-Maria Crego, and François Yvon. Contrastive lexical evaluation of machine translation. In International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2010), page 5p, Valetta, Malta, May 17-23, 2010 2010.
Ilknur Durgar El-Kahlout and François Yvon. The pay-offs of preprocessing for german-english statistical machine translation. In International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2010), pages 251–258, Paris, France, 2/12 au 3/12 2010.
Nadi Tomeh, Alexandre Allauzen, Guillaume Wisniewski, and François Yvon. Refining word alignment with discriminative training. In Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas (AMTA 2010), page 10p, Denver, USA, 31/10 au 04/11 2010.
Guillaume Wisniewski, Alexandre Allauzen, and François Yvon. Assessing phrase-based translation models with oracle decoding. In Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP 2010), pages 933–943, Cambridge, USA, October 9-11, 2010 2010.
François Yvon and (editors) Hansen, V. Proceedings of the 14th annual conference of the European Association for Machine Translation, volume 2010.
Marcello Federico, Ian Lane, Michael Paul, François Yvon, and (editors) Mariani, Joseph-Jean. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT'2010). Paris, France, 2010.
Alexandre Allauzen, Josep-Maria Crego, Hai Son Le, Guillaume Wisniewski, and François Yvon. Limsi @ iwslt 2010. In 7th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2010), pages 105–112, 2010.
Josep Maria Crego, Aurélien Max, and François Yvon. Local lexical adaptation in machine translation through triangulation: Smt helping smt. In Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (Coling 2010), pages 232–240, Beijing, China, 2010. Coling 2010 Organizing Committee.
Alexandre Allauzen, Josep M. Crego, Ilknur Durgar El-Kahlout, and Francois Yvon. Limsi's statistical translation systems for wmt'10. In Proceedings of the Joint Fifth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation and MetricsMATR, pages 54–59, Uppsala, Sweden, 2010.
Proceedings of the 14th annual conference of the european association for machine translation. Saint-Raphael, France, 2010.
Josep Maria Crego, Aurélien Max, and François Yvon. Contrastive lexical evaluation of machine translation. In Proceedings of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC'10), La Valletta, Malta, 2010.
Aurélien Max, Josep Maria Crego, and François Yvon. Contrastive lexical evaluation of machine translation. In Proceedings of the Seventh conference on International Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10), Valletta, Malta, may 2010. European Language Resources Association (ELRA).
Nadi Tomeh, N. Cancedda, and M. Dymetman. Complexity-based phrase-table filtering for statistical machine translation. In Machine Translation Summit (MT Summit 2009), page 8p, Ottawa, Canada, August 26-30, 2009 2009.
Alexandre Allauzen, Josep-Maria Crego, Aurélien Max, and François Yvon. Limsi's statistical translation systems for wmt'09. In Fourth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation (WMT 2009), pages 100–104, 2009.
Mohamed El Amine Sehili. Réseaux de consensus pour la traduction automatique. 2009.
Josep Maria Crego, Aurélien Max, and François Yvon. Plusieurs langues (bien choisies) valent mieux qu'une: traduction statistique multi-source par renforcement lexical. In Acte de la Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, session poster (TALN'09), Senlis, France, 2009.
Josep Maria Crego and François Yvon. Gappy translation units under left-to-right smt decoding. In Proceedings of the meeting of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT), pages 66–73, Barcelona, Spain, 2009.
Philippe Langlais, François Yvon, and Pierre Zweigenbaum. Improvements in analogical learning: Application to translating multi-terms of the medical domain. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computational Linguistics (EACL'09), pages 487–495, Athens, Greece, 2009.
Allauzen Alexandre, Crego Josep, Max Aurélien, and Yvon François. LIMSI's statistical translation systems for WMT'09. In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, pages 100–104, Athens, Greece, March 2009.
Salma Najar. Apprentissage discriminant pour la traduction de la parole. 2008.
Philippe Langlais, François Yvon, and Pierre Zweigenbaum. Translating medical words by analogy. In Proceedings of the workshop on Intelligent Data Analysis in bioMedicine and Pharmacology (IDAMAP) 2008, Washington, DC, 2008.
Philippe Langlais and François Yvon. Scaling up analogical learning. In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2008), pages 49–52, Manchester, UK, 2008.
Daniel Déchelotte, Gilles Adda, Alexandre Allauzen, Hélène Bonneau-Maynard, Olivier Galibert, Jean-Luc Gauvain, Philippe Langlais, and François Yvon. LIMSI's Statistical Translation Systems for WMT'08. In Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, pages 107–110, Columbus, Ohio, June 2008.
Philippe Langlais, François Yvon, and Pierre Zweigenbaum. Analogical translation of medical words in different languages. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Natural Language Processing, GoTAL 2008 - Advances in Natural Language Processing, number 5221/2008 in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 284–295. Springer Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2008.
Daniel Déchelotte, Holger Schwenk, Gilles Adda, and Jean-Luc Gauvain. Improved Machine Translation of Speech-to-Text outputs. In InterSpeech'07, Antwerp, Belgium, August 2007.
M.J.F. Gales, X. Liu, R. Sinha, P.C. Woodland, K. Yu, S. Matsoukas, T. Ng, K. Nguyen, L. Nguyen, J-L Gauvain, L. Lamel, and A. Messaoudi. Speech Recognition System Combination for Machine Translation. In Proceedings of ICASSP, pages 1277–1280, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 2007.
Holger Schwenk, Daniel Déchelotte, Hélène Bonneau-Maynard, and Alexandre Allauzen. Modèles statistiques enrichis par la syntaxe pour la traduction automatique. In Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, pages 253–262, Toulouse, June, 2007.
Hélène Bonneau-Maynard, Alexandre Allauzen, and DanieDéchelotteand Holger Schwenk. Combining Morphosyntactic Enriched Representation with n-best Reranking in Statistical Translation. In HLT/NAACL workshop on Syntax and Structure in Statistical Translation, pages 65–71, Rochester, April 22-27 2007.
Evgeny Matusov, Gregor Leusch, Rafael E. Banchs, Nicola Bertoldi, Daniel Déchelotte, Marcello Federico, Muntsin Kolss, Young-Suk Lee, José B. Mario, Matthias Paulik, Salim Roukos, Holger Schwenk, and Hermann Ney. System combination for machine translation of spoken and written language. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 16(7):1222–237, 2007.
Daniel Déchelotte, Holger Schwenk, Hélène Bonneau-Maynard, Alexandre Allauzen, and Gilles Adda. A state-of-the-art statistical machine translation system based on Moses. In MT Summit, pages 127–133, Copenhagen, September 10-14 2007.
Patrik Lambert, Marta R. Costa-jussá, Josep M. Crego, Maxim Khalilov, José B. Mariño, Rafael E. Banchs, José A.R. Fonollosa, and Holger Schwenk. The TALP Ngram-based SMT system for IWSLT 2007. In International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT), page in press, Trento, October 15-16 2007.
Holger Schwenk, Marta R. Costa-jussa, and Jose A. R. Fonollosa. Smooth Bilingual N-gram Translation. In Association for Computational Linguistics, pages 430–438, Prague, June, 2007.
Holger Schwenk. Building a statistical machine translation system for French using the Europarl corpus. In ACL Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation, Prague, June, 2007.
Holger Schwenk, Marta R. Costa-jussà, and José A. R. Fonollosa. Continuous space language models for the IWSLT 2006 task. In International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation, pages 166–173, November 2006.
Lori Lamel, Jean-Luc Gauvain, Gilles Adda, Claude Barras, Eric Bilinski, Olivier Galibert, Agusti Pujol, Holger Schwenk, and Xuan Zhu. The LIMSI 2006 TC-STAR Transcription Systems . In TC-STAR Workshop on Speech-to-Speech Translation, pages 123–128, Barcelona, June 2006.
Nicolas Jennequin and Jean-Luc Gauvain. Lattice Rescoring Experiments with Duration Models . In TC-STAR Workshop on Speech-to-Speech Translation, pages 155–158, Barcelona, June 2006.
Daniel Dechelotte, Holger Schwenk, and Jean-Luc Gauvain. The 2006 LIMSI Statistical Machine Translation System for TC-STAR . In TC-STAR Workshop on Speech-to-Speech Translation, pages 25–30, Barcelona, June 2006.
Daniel Dechelotte, Holger Schwenk, and Jean-Luc Gauvain. Transcription et traduction de débats parlementaires. In Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle, Tours, January 2006.
Daniel Dechelotte, Holger Schwenk, Jean-Luc Gauvain, Olivier Galibert, and Lori Lamel. Investigating Translation of Parliament Speeches. In Proceeding of IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition, San Juan, Porto Rico, November 2005.
W. Minker, M. Gavalda, and A. Waibel. Hidden understanding models for machine translation. In Proceedings ESCA Tutorial and Research Workshop (ETRW) on Interactive Dialogue in Multi-Modal Systems, Jun 1999.
W. Minker. Stochastically-based semantic analysis for machine translation. Computer Speech and Language, 13(2), 1999.
L.F. Lamel and J.-L. Gauvain. Large vocabulary speech recognition at limsi. In 1st International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation, Warden, Germany, October 1992. presentation.

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