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Laboratoire d'Informatique pour la Mécanique et les Sciences de l'Ingénieur

Spoken Language Processing Group (TLP)

TLP publication search

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Gregory Gelly and Jean-Luc Gauvain. Spoken Language Identification Using LSTM-Based Angular Proximity. In Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, pages 2566–2570, Stockholm - SE, 2017-08-20 / 2017-08-24 2017.
Mohamed Faouzi BenZeghiba, Jean-Luc Gauvain, and Lori Lamel. Phonotactic Language Recognition Using MLP Features. In InterSpeech 2012: 13th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Portland, Oregon, September 9-13 2012.
Mohamed Faouzi BenZeghiba, Jean-Luc Gauvain, and Lori Lamel. Fusing Language Information from Diverse Data Sources for Phonotactic Language Recognition . In IEEE, The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop, Singapore, 25-28 June 2012.
M.F. BenZeghiba, J.L. Gauvain, and L. Lamel. Improved N-Gram Phonotactic Models for Language Recognition. In InterSpeech'10, 11th Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, Makuhari, Japan, 2010.
M. Faouzi BenZeghiba, J.L. Gauvain, and L. Lamel. Language Score Calibration using Adapted Gaussian Back-end. In Interspeech'09, pages 1945–1948, Brighton, UK, September, 2009.
Martine Adda-Decker. Language identification. In Spoken language processing, pages 279–320. Wiley, 2008.
Mohamed F. Ben Zeghiba, Jean-Luc Gauvain, and Lori Lamel. Gaussian Backend design for open-set language detection . In Proceedings of ICASSP, pages 4349 – 4352, Taipei, Taiwan, April 2009.
Mohamed Faouzi BenZeghiba, Jean luc Gauvain, and Lori Lamel. Context-dependent phone models and models adaptation for phonotactic language recognition. In InterSpeech'08, pages 313–316, Brisbane, Australia, September 22-26, 2008.
Dong Zhu and Martine Adda-Decker. Language identification using lattice-based phonotactic and syllabotactic approaches. In IEEE, The Speaker and Language Recognition Workshop, San Juan, June 2006.
Christopher White, Izhak Shafran, and Jean-Luc Gauvain. Discriminative Classifiers for Language Recognition. In Proceedings of ICASSP, pages I–213–216, Toulouse, May 2006.
Dong Zhu, Martine Adda-Decker, and Fabien Antoine. Different Size Multilingual Phone Inventories and Context-Dependent Acoustic Models for Language Identification. In InterSpeech, Lisbon, September 2005.
Jean-Luc Gauvain, Abdel Messaoudi, and Holger Schwenk. Improving Language Recognition using Phone Lattices. In Identification des langues et des varietes dialectales par les humains et par les machines, Paris, November 2004.
Jean-Luc Gauvain, Abdel Messaoudi, and Holger Schwenk. Language Recognition Using Phone Lattices. In International Conference on Speech and Language Processing, pages 1283–1286, Jeju Island, October 2004.
R. Wanneroy, E. Bilinski, C. Barras, M. Adda-Decker, and E. Geoffrois. Acoustic-phonetic modeling of non-native speech for language identification. In Proc. of the MIST workshop (ESCA-NATO), Leusden, Sep 1999.
Driss Matrouf, Martine Adda-Decker, Jean-Luc Gauvain, and Lori Lamel. Comparing different model configurations for language identification using a phonotactic approach. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Speech Technology, EuroSpeech, pages 387–390, Budapest, Sep 1999.
L. Lamel, G. Adda, M. Adda-Decker, C. Corredor-Ardoy, J.J. Gangolf, and J.L. Gauvain. A multilingual corpus for language identification. In A. Rubio, N. Gallardo, R. Castro, and A. Tejada, editors, International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, volume II, pages 1115–1122, Granada, May 1998.
C. Corredor Ardoy, J.L. Gauvain, M. Adda-Decker, and L. Lamel. Language identification with language-independent acoustic models. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Speech Technology, EuroSpeech, volume 1, pages 5–8, Rhodes, September 1997.
L.F. Lamel and J.-L. Gauvain. Language identification using phone-based acoustic likelihoods. In Proceedings of the IEEE-ICASSP, Adelaide, April 1994.
L.F. Lamel, J.-L. Gauvain, and M. Adda-Decker. Non-linguistic speech feature identification. In Language Identification Review Meeting and Workshop, March 1994. presentation.
L.F. Lamel and J.-L. Gauvain. Language identification using phone-based acoustic likelihoods. In Proceeding of IEEE Workshop on Automatic Speech Recognition, December 1993.

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